Wednesday, October 15, 2008

In Memoriam

Remember the mice? Well we found out where one of them ended up today.
While the man was working upstairs building another wall something fell from the ceiling.

Yes that is a dead mouse...pretty gross.
I am sure we will find more. There is one that we heard set off a trap followed by a dragging sound in the ceiling of the dining room. So I have a feeling that when the plumber starts taking up the floor in the upstairs bathroom, where the dragging sound was coming from, we will find a mouse and a trap.

Oh joy of joys.

1 comment:

MMMadrid said...

ewww! That would really crrep me out. Dead mice falling from the sky......THank you so much for the information on the "gentle giant". I would have never known. I could never own one becuase that enormous beak would forever petrify me.