Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Creativity lapse

I realized that writing this blog may prove to be difficult when it comes to not using peoples names. Why you may ask, well I know way too many people who's names start with "J".

There are 7 people that I talk to every day who's names start with J. I am going to have to be pretty creative. Do I go with personality flaws? Physical traits? Change names to protect the innocent?

I'm sure I will figure it out somehow...


Only me said...

Some people in blogland refer to me as OM if that helps. Or if you're sticking with personality flaws I call "J the fucked up"

Java said...

I have had great fun coming up with names for the people in my life. Mostly I was inspired by personality traits. I call my two sons Twitch and Sproing. Twitch has Tourettes Syndrome, ADHD, OCD and some form of anxiety disorder. He twitches a lot. That was an easy one. Sproing also has ADHD, emphasis on H(yperactivity)and he has so much excess energy he often vibrates. He does, literally, bounce off the walls sometimes.

just me said...

Only Me: I like J the fucked up, I may use it.

Java: Wow you have a whole array of people with traits. Sadly none of mine have anything so unique. I may stick with first and last initials.
I'm boring...